Project Details
Engine: TGE (my school's rendering framework using C++ and Directx 11).
Duration: 8 weeks, 50 %, completed in April 2022.
Team: 5 programmers, 5 artists, 4 level designers.
Genre: Platformer.
Inspiration: Strider (2014).
Contribution Highlights
Camera Controller
This controller makes the camera move offset slightly ahead of and above the player and adjusts itself if the player turns around or the gravity shifts.
I also created place able zoom zones that would smoothly zoom the camera in our out, to control what the player could see in certain areas.
To give the game better feedback I added a screen shake function that shook the screen depending on how much damage you took and/or gave.
Hover Component
Now I know this isn't anything special really but I originally created it for a pickup in the game, to make it spin around and hover with a sinus curve. Then I realised how much potential it got and showed our level designers how to implement it on anything. And it made a great impact for gameplay and set dressing.
Place able checkpoints that saves the current gravity state and makes the player incapable to move for half a second when re-spawned.
Particle Effects
I helped my teammate to properly use the school's framework's sprite class with his particle system. I then created som effects with it.
Scene Manager
Scene manager that handled the creation, removal of entities and swapping between scenes through menus or triggers in the scenes.
Memory Leak Fixes
We had a great team of programmers for this project so I got time to hunt down memory leaks and fix them, I found multiple in our code and in the school's framework. It was good practise and fun.